N UCh Taildown's Back In Business

"Müsli", black/white bitch - born: 17/2 2000, died: 2011

Our "black baby":


  • HD and AA free 
  • Second most winning bitch in Norway in 2001 (beaten by her mum Minnie)
  • 2 CACIBs in Norway
  • Lives a fabulous life away from here - co-owned with Kennel Fashionpacks in Sweden



Int Nord UCh SV-00-01 NV-00 NordV-01 HeatherMist Everybody's Business

Int Nord UCh KbhV-02 Binbusy Quotation

Binbusy Oratioro

Binbusy Kyrie

Int Nord UCh SV-94 FinV-96 Clic's Hip Hip Hurray

S N UCh Chriscaro Cagney

Int Nord UCh Clic's Beaty-Bacall

Int Nord UCh NordV-00-02 NV.00-01-02 KbhV-01 Taildown's To Be Or Not To Be


Int Nord UCh SV-95 Potterdale Illusion

Gb Ch Potterdale Conclusion

Gillaber Caledonia at Potterdale

Int Nord UCh NordV-94, VV-96, KbhV-96 Binbusy Invocation

Gb Am Can Ch Sammara Standing Ovation

Gb Ch Binbusy Cadence